Orbis corporation careers
Orbis corporation careers

orbis corporation careers

“Urbana University is proud to host the Champaign County Design Challenge event for young designers in our region.” Christopher Washington, Executive Vice President and CEO of Urbana University. Designers direct our lifestyle, create our products, and shape the environments where we live, work, and play,” said Dr. “Design thinking happens at the intersection of art and science. All participants are invited to listen to the finalists present each team’s design to the judges.ĭuring the event, students are also able to participate in a tradeshow with local manufacturers. The teams compete at their school district and the winning team from each school district advance to the countylevel competition held at Urbana University on November 1. “The groups are being judged on their collaboration and their ability to explain their successes and challenges.”

orbis corporation careers

“The goal of the design challenge is to expose students to local manufacturers, interact with professionals, and use their creativity to complete a project,” said Allison Koch, Ohio Hi-Point Satellite Supervisor. The mentors for the teams are Steven Brandeberry from JWP, Zack Zizzo and Stephen Oser from Orbis, Mike Wagner from Navistar, Colin Turcu, Hayden Gephart, and Ethan Hess from KTH, Jeff Helman from Rosewood Machine and Tool, Jacob Schmitt from Ultra-Met, Dan Yohey from Rittal, Tyler Bumbalough from the Urbana City Engineering division, and Steve McCall from Champaign County Engineer. The teams cannot purchase or 3D print materials. For the challenge, the mousetrap car must include five simple machines and four wheels with the goal of the car going 20 feet. Each school participating can have up to four teams with five students and is open to middle or high school students.

Orbis corporation careers series#

The student teams were challenged to design a mousetrap race car within a series of criteria and constraints under the guidance of an industry mentor. For the second year in a row, approximately 90 students from Graham, Mechanicsburg, Triad, Urbana, and West Liberty-Salem are participating. After a successful first year, the design challenge is returning. Last year, the CEP, Ohio Hi-Point Career Center, Urbana University, and manufacturers from around the area created the inaugural Champaign County Design Challenge.

orbis corporation careers

We have approximately 3,700 people working in manufacturing in our community and many companies are looking for skilled employees.” “We want our young people to understand the career choices that exist in manufacturing and having this opportunity helps them gain first-hand knowledge. “We are fortunate to have such diversity of manufacturing in Champaign County,” said Marcia Bailey, CEP Director. They will be hosting a Ground Breaking Ceremony tomorrow at 10:00 am, click here to learn more about this event. ​ After recently acquiring the remaining parcels of the old Q3 building, ORBIS plans to expand their facility here in Urbana. Started locally in 1980, what was once LEWISSystem, ORBIS is still the leader in plastic reusable packaging. Folks who grew up here in Urbana may recognize the LEWISSystem name that we know now as Orbis. In 1995 ORBIS came under the Menasha corporation and now we have Orbis Menasha. In 1974 they came together when Menasha acquired G.B Lewis and renamed LEWISSystems. Lewis became the first designer of plastic reusable containers. By the 1950’s, another pioneer by the name of G.B. In 1895, what is now the Menasha corporation was the largest manufacturer of turned wooden ware. Before plastic, wood was used to help contain and transport goods. Then, along came ORBIS and changed how we transport goods. There was a time that those containers were unheard of.

Orbis corporation careers